Tone of voice creation, principles, guidelines
Tone of voice training workshops
Campaign concepts, key lines and development
Messaging frameworks
Brand manifesto
General copywriting & writing for design

Famed for its joyful bright yellow and a tagline so good it’s become a part of everyday vernacular, Dogs Trust had gained huge following by being the positive underdog (pun intended).

These elements won the hearts of many dogs lovers and the brand was firmly established as one of the top 50 charities in the UK. But, a victim of its own success, rapid growth had diluted the brand and in 2020 brand recognition was at an all-time low.

The brief to The Clearing was to help Dogs Trust get their mojo back. A key part of that was to define a ‘joyful’ tone of voice. So that no matter how many different writers there were, Dogs Trust would have one distinctive voice.

We defined what it means to write in a way that captures ‘the joy of dog’ and detailed it in comprehensive tone of voice guidelines. We ran tone of voice training workshops, brand induction workshops and I’ve worked on 30+ projects with the brand since.

The tone of voice has helped the brand to re-establish its brand position, increase instant recognition and connect with dog lovers all over the UK.

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